What a great success this week has been for America! Everyone was holding their breathe as they watched the projected image from CNN on NOV 4 2008. A day I will never forget as long as I live. To be a part of history is an amazing feeling. I can't even imagine what is going through Barack Obama's mind! To be inside his head for just one day:) I am so proud of America and how far we have come over these last 40 years. It make my heart fill with joy to know that history books will tell Barack's unique story. The story of the true American dream. This blog will take a political twist as this time is about change. As fashion, design, trends change so do politics. Some would argue that as politics change so does fashion. Hence the constant revolution of camo clothing and retro army gear. Mao hats, hammer and sickle images, even the propaganda style posters of Shepard Fairey have made politics young and hip.
I over heard a man speaking about "Why is Michelle Obama wearing red?" I believe we will see a lot of red, black and high contrast modern colors to follow this year. As we take a more socialist style government also a focus on American design. A resurgence in authentic American craft style will be seeing a renaissance.
Another great example of how style permeates every boundary. How America is innovative and has yet to have it's greatest days. How reinvention is always at the heart of invention. How no one is immune to fashion. Not even Barack or Michelle as they boast being so down to earth.
I leave this post with more to come on local news, style and politics............ No on 8 the new civil rights movement with pictures to follow. Join the cause and be apart of history again. Check back soon for photos from the march to reverse the prop 8 vote!